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Whether you are looking to create full displays, or have a simple beautiful bouquet, our featured florists will create the perfect arrangement!

Hattie rose floral design

Hattie Rose Floral Design

Hattie Rose Floral Design is inspired by nature providing a personal and sustainable approach to floral design.  Named after my Granddaughter “Hattie Rose” because like a rose she is a beautiful and very caring person and fits with my values

wedding florist in yorkshire

The Watering Can Florist

Beautiful flowers created by myself - the owner, Liz Wood. I am based in Emley in West Yorkshire. Cutting from my own garden, I design flowers that will make you fall in love with my small local business...


floristry yorkshire weddings

Pic-a-lily Floristry

Pic-a-lily Floristry is a unique floral design lead by me, Nichola Greenwood. I’m based near Wakefield, West Yorkshire and I create beautiful bespoke flowers for weddings.

pampas & bloom

Pampas & Bloom

At Pampas & Bloom we provide a completely bespoke wedding flower service, no project too big or small. All your ideas, inspirations, favourite stems & colours are carefully considered in our design, bringing all your floral dreams to reality using the highest quality dried flowers.

bailey and mitchell photography florist yorkshire

Spring Wood Flowers

Hello, I’m Anne-Marie, award-winning owner of Spring Wood Flowers. My floral style is wild and romantic. I love to create designs inspired by nature or an English country garden. Get in touch for a chat about your dream wedding flowers. 

mavis lane flowers yorkshire weddings

Mavis Lane Flowers

Mavis Lane Flowers aims to provide clients with a relaxed and personal floral service, delivered with care and professionalism, efficiently and cost effectively. 


Ivy & Bloom

The Green Gallery

Grange Farm Flowers

The Wildflowers Co

Blossom Floristry

Petals of Grace

Flowers by April

Untamed Floral Art

Florist & Forest

Berries Florist of Skipton

Ambience East Yorkshire

Plum and Petal

The Petal Studio

Walter + Blossom

Olive May Floral Design

Thistle’s Luxury Floral & Event Dressing

Blossom & Wild

Krystyna Jane Floral Design

Owl House Flowers

Leafy Couture -
Craven & East Lancs

Toadflax Flowers and Botanicals

Hand Sown Flowers

Willow and Bear Floral Design

Rosies Floristry

Rhubarb Flower Studio

All in Bloom

Heather & Moss

Monica F Hewitt Florists Ltd

Stems Designs

Flowers at Handmade in Huddersfield

Erin & Peony

Folklore Floristry

Wedding Planning in Yorkshire

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